Addie is nearing the 11-month mark and is becoming more and more like a toddler and less and less like a baby. Our newest dilemma with our growing daughter has been centered on bath time. She is definitely outgrowing her infant tub, but still seems a bit small for the full size option. We experimented this past week and came to a few conclusions: we need a new hot water heater, something to cushion her other than a big bath towel and more toys… it looked pretty pathetic having just three little toys floating in such a giant tub!
Addie’s newest hobby is looking at books and she’ll pull them off of any shelf she comes in contact with. Her favorites are probably Goodnight Gorilla, Snowmen at Night, Where is Baby’s Bellybutton, and Tails. She had also made big gains in her signs recently. Just tonight she signed to us that she was thirsty (different from milk) and she is signing to us when she wants to be changed. I have also been trying hard to listen for words, but nothing official to report. Yet…