Weight: 13 lbs, 5 oz (25%)
Length: 25.75" (75%)
Head: 16.5" (45%)
Likes: Smiling, giggling, watching Addie, yoga, kicking, grabbing toys, hair jewelry, or anything he can get his hands on, debt-limit bill being passed
Dislikes: Shots, long car rides, the heat and humidity, rainy days
We were surprised by Max's percentages this month - tall and thin!? Where is he getting those genes??? We are having so much fun with our little guy. He is still so sweet and smiley and brings so much joy to everyone around him. Max had his first day at Tina's house this week and was a hit over there as well. He has now started rolling over from front to back and back to front. We are thinking of starting him on solids soon, as he seems hungrier lately and has been showing quite an interest in our food for a few weeks now. I have just 4 more weeks home with Max and then it will be time to get back to work. I can't believe how fast the past 4 months have gone and how much he has changed!