Addie attended her first Twin's game Friday night thanks to the HPSC. It was a good game with a convincing win. Then Saturday was one of my favorite events of the year... the Living Green Expo! It was as good as always, and lots of great SWAG was had! Then Sunday we all went over to the Gunderson's for dinner and to visit Ava. They are all doing well, and I am so excited for Addie to spend time with her new friend. All of this fun couln't last forever, so Monday we went to the doctor for her 2 month check. Here are the stats:
Weight: 10 lb. 4 oz. (25%)
Length: 21.5" (10%)
Head: 15.25" (50%)
That's right, she's short like her parents, we'll say an athletic build, and has lots of brains! Then came the shots. It was so hard to see her get so many shots, and be so upset about it. Yes, I cried. But we are both recovered, and I keep reminding myself that kids need to be immunized and the alternative would be much worse.
Oh my! Addie CorbettKid is BEAUTIFUL! As is Ava GunderGirl!
Am thankful for the blogs and the glimpses of this sweet new generation ... this is all so joyful!
Hugs and grins,
Henry WineBaby's Grammie B
she is looking cute! and i can't believe how much bigger than ava she appears. i mean this in a nice way. :)
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