
Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A Long Night...

Of sleep! I was tentative about writing about this last week, but my superstition has been broken, so it's fair game now. So… for the first time since August 2007 I slept undisturbed from my bedtime (10:00pm) until my alarm went off (5:30am) for four days in a row last week. It was glorious! But like all good things, it had to end. I am hoping that it’s just because of the cold that Addie has right now and that she will continue sleeping through the night again soon. ☺

We have all been very busy lately, but have been trying to make the most of our weekend time together. A couple favorite activities are:

Going for runs along the river

Walking down to the park and going down the slides and in the swings

Addie also enjoys watching her “Saturday Morning Cartoons” online. Our friends Mandy and Henry introduced us to Boowa and Kwala – a dog (I think) and a koala who sing songs that Addie LOVES. Her favorite right now is the Toco Toucan song - check it out sometime! (


Brie said...

Ah, isn't the return to a complete night's sleep amazing?! The worst IS the back and forth though ... I feel your pain :)

Anonymous said...

Love the picture in the swing. She looks like she is having so much fun.


Mandy said...

The bad news is I don't think the back and forth swing of sleepy and sleepless nights ends. We're in a five week stretch of weird wakings in the night and early morning. Could be all of our changes... But congrats none-the-less. I bet it feels good and normal! :)