On our way to the hospital!
So we arrived at Abbott at 7:30, I was induced at 9:30, and my water was broken at 1:45. My contractions started getting better after that, and I ended up having an epidural at 6:45. Like last time, I can’t seem to have a normal epidural… this one didn’t fail, but it became a one-sided block, which means I still felt everything on my left side. Luckily they were able to fix that just a few minutes before I started pushing at 9:00, and Max was born at 9:31! He was 6lb 8oz, and 20” and healthy!
We limited our visitors to family only while at the hospital so that we could get some extra rest, and so that when Addie was there it was guaranteed to be less chaotic for her. When she first met Max she was a little tentative, but when she came a second time she was much more excited, asking to hold him and playing in the bed with me. She brought him a gift of a Monkey Snuggle, and whenever he would fuss, she would run and say, “Max need him snuggle!” then show it to him saying, “Max! Ooh Ooh! Aah Aah!”
We were told that we would need to bring Max in to our pediatrician right away on Monday because he was a little jaundiced. When Addie heard this, she insisted that she wanted to go with when Max saw Dr. Jaeger. So all four of us made the trip Monday morning. Addie was very interested in all the things that they did with Max especially when they needed to draw his blood. She was front and center with the medical assistant watching intently and asking questions… maybe we have a future doctor on our hands??? At that appointment we learned Max’s 4 day stats:
Weight: 6lb 1oz, (10%)
Height: 19.25” (26%)
Head: 13.5” (25%)
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