
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Brother and Sister

Addie is really starting to take to her new role as the Big Sister. Each day she plays and interacts more and more with Max, and is always certain to include him as a part of this family. It is so fun to watch!

These are pictures of both Addie and Max at one week. When Max was first born, Brian and I felt that he looked just like Addie. But now looking at pictures of them one week later, you can see that he is starting to reveal more of his own features!


Unknown said...

I came across your blog just browsing blogspot.

Beautiful pictures!
Congratulations on Max and the best of luck and health for the future!

Anonymous said...

lovely pic of her cute dora knickers, I want to pull them off and lick her little c--t

Anonymous said...

fuckher in the ass too let him watch

Anonymous said...

my cousins ass was so tyt at 2 years old