
Monday, June 21, 2010

Our day at the zoo

Highlights included the butterflies, monkeys, parks, and of course the splash pad!

Friday, June 18, 2010

My First Trip to the Dentist by Addie Corbett

Today I went to the dentist with Mama. I was really excited because Grandma works there and we were going to have lunch with her. When I got there I decided that I wanted a turn to sit in the big chair. I was nervous at first, but it was fun to ride up and down. Then Jamie asked if I wanted my teeth cleaned, and I said yes! I really like Jamie. I picked cherry toothpaste and it tasted really good. When my teeth were all clean she squirted water into my mouth, that was funny. Since I was so good I got a Nemo sticker. I like the dentist and I really like Jamie, she's nice.
(Most of this are direct quotes from Addie... and we hear about how much she likes Jamie ALL the time now!)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

School's Out for Summer!

As of today I am officially on summer vacation! 8 months ago I would have thought this day would never come, and I never would have imagined having these feelings about driving away for the last time. When I think back on the past month and a half in particular, having our school closed and all the big and little things that go with it has taken its toll on me (I should first apologize to my kickball team - did I really miss 7 games!?). Fortunately I am one of the lucky ones that has a new experience to look forward to in the fall, one where I can only think of one downfall... not having my HPA coworkers. They are amazing in all ways, and that I know is what I will miss most about HPA. Thanks to all of you!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Hanging out with an old friend

Today we met our friends Kathryn and Olivia at the zoo. Kathryn is my oldest friend (since 5th grade), and it was such a treat to see her and her daughter, Olivia. Addie and Olivia had only met one time before when they were babies, but they got along really well and were really sweet to each other. Even after we left the zoo Addie said, "I miss my friend Olivia". This will have to help our motivation to make the trek up to Fargo to see them again this summer.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend 2010

As usual, we spent our Memorial Day weekend at the Corbett Cabin in Siren, WI. It was a gorgeous weekend that was more summer-like than spring. Addie immediately wanted to play in the sand, water, and ride on Papa's boat. Some highlights from the weekend include not complaining about her life jacket, conquering her fear of swings and hammocks, and doing a good job of taking turns with Riley.