
Thursday, February 26, 2009

Calling All Friends:

There is only one week until the big 1.0! We are so excited!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

My Weekend with Dada by Addie Corbett

This weekend my mama went to relax with her friends and I got to spend the weekend with my dada. She looked sad to leave me, but I was excited to spend the weekend with my dada - we had so much fun! On Saturday we went to the conservatory at Como Park. We enjoyed the sunny, warm air and looked at all the trees and flowers. My favorite part was watching the Koi swim.

We also went grocery shopping. This is WAY more fun without mama there. Dada let me stand and play King of the World!

The rest of the weekend was spent playing, napping, and eating some new foods. I was happy to see mama today, but enjoyed spending quality time with my dada.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


As of Sunday, I am done nursing. I have been avoiding writing about this all week because I have been thinking "maybe I'll nurse her just one more time". But surprisingly, I do not feel uncomfortable nor do I feel the "need" to nurse Addie anymore. I thought I would be really sad about this, but I am not. I realize that this is just part of Addie growing up and part of what will be our ever-changing relationship. However, most of the time I have been thinking about it I feel very proud of myself, Addie, and Brian for making it this far. I never planned or imagined that I would be able to nurse her for 11.5 months, but we did it!

The part of this that is very convenient is that I will not have to bring my pump with when I spend two nights away from her this weekend! I do have to say I am not excited to be away from her for so long, but I know I will have a good time and so will Addie and Brian having so much quality time together. I'm sure there will be some great stories to blog about when I get back!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

Our Valentine's Day was much more festive than it has ever been before! We celebrated with the one we love most, by going to the zoo and visiting all of Addie's grandparents. Then Addie stayed at her grandparent's while Brian and I went to a wedding. The wedding was at the James J. Hill Library in St. Paul and was beautiful! We also were able to meet our new friend, Hazel Vreeland. She is now 2 weeks old, and is adorable! The Vreelands live just 3 blocks from us, and are also sending Hazel to Miss.Tina. It will be so much fun for Addie to have such a close friend nearby! Addie also surprised us this weekend by reaching a new milestone: standing up in her crib (yikes). We knew this was coming soon, as she has been standing in her pack and play at daycare, so we weren't too surprised.
Overall it was a great weekend, and to top it off, Addie and I get to hang out together all day tomorrow too! Thanks Mr. Presidents!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sick Day

Addie has been home sick the past day and a half. Many of you know that I was also very sick last week, but thankfully, Addie did not get my sickness, but a very bad cold. Luckily, Brian was able to stay home with her so I didn't have to miss any more days with my students. It was hard being away from her when I knew she wasn't feeling her best, but Brian did such a great job of keeping her comfortable. I do have to admit that I was sad to keep her home because she missed the Prince and Princess themed Valentine's Day celebration at daycare. As Brian said, since it's her first Valentine's Day, she won't even know she missed it. I guess he's right. It is hard to believe that she has been in daycare for 6 months now and this is the first time she has had to stay home sick. It must be those "healthy" genes ;)

(Even though she was sick, she could still make us laugh!)

In Birthday Party news... invitations are out, a menu is in discussion, a party dress has been found, and decorations are in the process of produced! Yay!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

11 Months!

Addie is now 11 months old and less than 1 month away from her first Birthday!!!

I have been feeling very nostalgic lately about the past year and reminiscing about the final weeks before Addie's arrival. It was actually one year ago this week that I had to visit Abbott earlier than expected due to having preterm contractions. I remember sitting in my classroom that day and balling because I felt so unprepared for this baby’s arrival! It wasn’t the thought of sleepless nights or caring for an infant that I felt unprepared for, but the fact that our “bathroom” project wasn’t finished, particularly, the nursery. The contractions turned out to be nothing too serious, but I remember that was the point that the reality of it all set in (as did our motivation for finishing our house project!).