
Thursday, February 19, 2009


As of Sunday, I am done nursing. I have been avoiding writing about this all week because I have been thinking "maybe I'll nurse her just one more time". But surprisingly, I do not feel uncomfortable nor do I feel the "need" to nurse Addie anymore. I thought I would be really sad about this, but I am not. I realize that this is just part of Addie growing up and part of what will be our ever-changing relationship. However, most of the time I have been thinking about it I feel very proud of myself, Addie, and Brian for making it this far. I never planned or imagined that I would be able to nurse her for 11.5 months, but we did it!

The part of this that is very convenient is that I will not have to bring my pump with when I spend two nights away from her this weekend! I do have to say I am not excited to be away from her for so long, but I know I will have a good time and so will Addie and Brian having so much quality time together. I'm sure there will be some great stories to blog about when I get back!

1 comment:

Mandy said...

good work! :) it's a tough gig and you made it through.