
Monday, May 26, 2008

2 Down, 48 To Go!

Addie has now visited 2 states, Minnesota and Wisconsin, not bad for not even being 3 months old! Saturday we ventured up to Siren, WI to spend the weekend at the Corbett Cabin. It was a full house with the entire family there, but it all worked out well. I think our only complaints from the weekend was the weather and the mosquitos. Both were pretty bad which limited our outside time, but allowed us to catch up on naps, reading, and the Nascar and Indy races.

Between the last two weekends Addie has also logged some good Rodgers and Engstrom family time. On Saturday she was able to meet even more of her second cousins and great aunts and uncles, but I think there are still 4 out of the 35 of us left to meet! This past weekend, Grandma Engstrom was the first on the scene for Addie's first major diaper blowout. Of course she picked the one day that we traveled without an extra outfit on hand. We can't figure out if this is lucky or not, but Peapods was right down the street from where we were, so we ran down there to get a new outfit. 30 dollars later she was sporting a new fair trade organic cotton dress. I would expect you will see many pictures in this dress this summer so that we get our money's worth!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Go Team Crockpot!

We had a few "firsts" this week... Addie attended her first kickball game, and cheered us to a win! I'm not sure of our record, but I'm sure it's good :) We also went for a walk along Minnehaha falls with Erin. It was fun to wander around and spend some time just sitting and chatting on such a beautiful day. Now is the scary part... we met with our first potential day care provider. The thought of dropping her off and just leaving her at someone's house everyday is terrifying to me. I like to think that it will be easier once the time comes because she will be older, but I think the reality is it will be that much harder since we will have been together for so long. I'm pretty sure this is not "the one" but I feel good that we have two more interviews next week. It seems like things are finally starting to open up for September. Our final first this week was Addie's first Friday afternoon happy hour! We couldn't pass up the Happy Gnome's patio on such a gorgeous day! Oh, and she enjoyed her Honeyweiss :)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Our First Mother's Day!

Our first Mother's Day was great fun! We went out to brunch at Dixie's with both mine and Brian's parents and my grandparents, and then walked around the zoo to enjoy the beautiful day. I couldn't have planned a more perfect day myself. Our weekends have been so hectic lately that it has been a long time since Brian, Addie, and I did something just the three of us. I hope all the other mom's had a wonderful day as well!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

An Eventful Weekend

Addie attended her first Twin's game Friday night thanks to the HPSC. It was a good game with a convincing win. Then Saturday was one of my favorite events of the year... the Living Green Expo! It was as good as always, and lots of great SWAG was had! Then Sunday we all went over to the Gunderson's for dinner and to visit Ava. They are all doing well, and I am so excited for Addie to spend time with her new friend. All of this fun couln't last forever, so Monday we went to the doctor for her 2 month check. Here are the stats:
Weight: 10 lb. 4 oz. (25%)
Length: 21.5" (10%)
Head: 15.25" (50%)
That's right, she's short like her parents, we'll say an athletic build, and has lots of brains! Then came the shots. It was so hard to see her get so many shots, and be so upset about it. Yes, I cried. But we are both recovered, and I keep reminding myself that kids need to be immunized and the alternative would be much worse.