
Saturday, November 13, 2010

First Snow!

We had our first snowfall of this winter season last night. It was perfect timing for a fun Saturday playing in the snow. Addie was so excited when she woke up in the morning! She was glued to the windows and kept pointing out all the things that she saw covered in snow: our car, the sidewalk, the grass, Amy's house, the plants, the bushes, the trees...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Today we had our ultrasound for CorbettKid2. It was so much fun! The baby was squirming around the whole time and playing peek-a-boo with all of us. We decided not to find out the baby's gender, just like with Addie. That meant there were a few times that we had to turn away from the screen since the baby was being so "cooperative" with the ultrasound tech :) The baby is very healthy, and is even measuring 1 week ahead. I was hoping this would mean that we could expect him/her a week earlier, but we were informed that at this point in the game what that means is we can expect him/her to be bigger... yikes!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Scary Things (According to Addie)

Addie has been talking more and more lately of things she is scared of and things that make her feel sad. Some of you have been a part of these conversations or melt-downs (especially around the robot at the Science Museum). So I couldn't resist writing down this conversation we had while eating lunch at the mall today.

Addie: "I scared of that blue guy".
Me: "Really, why?"
Addie: "Just cause he like T-Rex, Monsters, and Robots, that's why I scared of him"
Me: "Oh, ok"... what else can you say to that?

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Halloween 2010!

With Halloween on a Sunday this year we were able to spend the whole weekend preparing and celebrating. Friday, Addie had a Halloween party at daycare where they dressed in costume, exchanged treats and made cupcakes. Then on Saturday we went to our friends' the Wineberg's house for a Halloween party. Addie had a blast playing with all the kids and dancing with Cassie! Finally, we spent Sunday carving pumpkins, roasting pumpkin seeds, and preparing for trick-or-treating. We went trick-or-treating with Hazel and the two girls were so cute running to each house and saying "trick-or-treat!", and Addie was so good about saying "thank you" after house! We had a great time, and I can already tell that Halloween is going to be one of those times that will become more and more fun with time!