
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Serious Animal Watching

Addie has a fascination with animals. Her favorite by far is Gracie, but anything else that swims, flies, or walks on all fours will do. This weekend we went to the zoo and spent a good amount of time watching the sea otters, meerkats, and fish. Then on Sunday, Grandma and Grandpa Engstrom took us to the Renaissance Festival where there were more animals to see and touch as well as great people watching. ;)

Monday, September 22, 2008

Is it a sign!?

Tonight Addie and I were enjoying a wonderful meal consisting of peas and bananas when she all of a sudden put her hands out, palms down, and moved them from center to out. Was she "all done"!?

Yes, she was! I asked (and signed) if she wanted some more and even offered, and she turned away. Then I asked if she was all done, and she moved her hands in the same motion again! Maybe I am looking for something that isn't there, and the sign wasn't executed perfectly, but I like to think that it is not impossible or ridiculous that signs we have been using the last two months are starting to click!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Mrs. Corbett, I have a question.

Aahh, such curious little souls I work with. I hear this sentence numerous times each day, and most times, I follow it with the question, "Does it apply to math?". I'd say about 50% of the time it does not, in which case, I address it later with that student individually. When I followed up with one very curious student today the question posed was, "Why do you have the breasts pumpers behind your desk?". It took a lot of self control to not laugh hysterically. Apparently, this student had not realized that the several baby pictures around the room was my daughter. Once I explained that I have a little baby at home, she seemed to figure out the answer to her own question.

When I decided to continue nursing and pump at school, I wondered how I would feel about people knowing what I was doing when the "Please Do Not Disturb" sign was hanging in my window. Turns out, I'm pretty indifferent about it. On the other hand, all the moms and dads (yes, dads too) find it as the hottest topic to bring up with me. I have heard more breastfeeding success stories and mortifying moments in the last few weeks than in the 6 months that I have been doing it. It's funny that the most natural relationship between a mom and child causes so much conversation!

Addie-Cadabbie it's 6 months already!

Time for some 6 month stats:
Weight: 16 lbs (50%)
Length: 25.75" (50%)
Head: 17" (93%)
Likes: Waking up in the morning (and at night sometimes), watching Gracie and all other cats, dogs, and children, riding in the jog stroller while mom runs, looking at herself in the mirror, drinking water from her sippy cup.
Dislikes: Shots, not being allowed under the furniture, formula, wearing a lifejacket, and her carseat.
Foods tried: Zucchini, sweet potatoes, apples, bananas, peaches (her favorite!) , avacado, acorn squash, mashed potatoes, carrots, and tomato.

Addie's height and weight have caught up quickly, and as before, she is bursting with brain power! She is doing well, and has adjusted very quickly to life at daycare. All the kids are excited to see her when she arrives, and have even given her nicknames like "Addie-Cadabbie"!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Happy Half Birthday!

Addie is 6 months old today, and I can't believe how quickly the time has gone by! It has been a crazy week with school starting and trying to establish a new routine. I think it will definately take some time before I feel that I am successfully juggling work and life. On a positive note, Addie is seeming to enjoy daycare quite a bit. Today her note indicated that Maxine (one of the other kids there) said, "Addie is very good!" How cute! Another fun adventure from the week was our first jog together in the jog stroller, and it is much harder than it looks! I think we may have to start doing some destination runs where the terrain is not quite as hilly as Northeast :)

Monday, September 1, 2008

What a Week!

I went back to work this week and it was definately eventful. Here's a summary of how things went:
Monday - Woah.
Tuesday - Some construction worker apparently cannot read or comprehend the sign, "Please Do Not Disturb".
Wednesday - Addie gets her first cold.
Thursday - At HPA 7:30 to 7:30. It was fun to meet some new students, and seeing them made me a little excited for the coming week.
Friday - Finally, a resful evening and it seems like the cold is gone!
Saturday - A successful triathlon and the cold returns.
Sunday - A wonderful day at the lake with a new swing, boat rides, and swimming.

Well, tomorrow is the real thing. It's amazing how 6 months off has left me feeling like I have completely forgotten how to teach. I'm sure it will come back to me quickly. Good luck to all the teachers and students out there. Here's to the 2008-2009 school year!