
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

As I look back through our photo library of the last year, it's amazing to see how much our lives have changed during 2008. The first pictures of that year include a partially finished second floor of our house. If I remember correctly, the first days of 2008 included my friend Kelly and I tiling our bathroom floor. We have gone from working day and night at our jobs and then on our house, to working all day and playing all night on the floors we spent so much time tiling and sanding with Addie.
The last picture in our photo library is of an almost 10 month old playing dj. This is so far from what I would have pictured just 12 months ago, yet I cannot seem to picture our lives any different from what they are now. Who would have thought Raffi would dominate the music selection in the Corbett household? We should commission Dave to do some childrens stuff ;)

2008 is clearly the most life-changing year Brian and I have had. We have been so blessed to have such an amazing child, and wonderful family and friends. I am looking forward to all the joys 2009 is sure to bring and hope that everyone has a wonderful start to the new year!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas! from Addie

My very first Christmas was so busy and fun! A couple days before we went to see Santa and his elves at the North Pole. We must live very close to the North Pole because we went there two days in a row!

After seeing how the elves make all the toys I was very excited for Christmas to come! I got to play with Grandma and Papa Corbett on Christmas Eve and Santa left me a baby doll at their house. I love to give her kisses.

Christmas morning I got up and Santa had come to my house and left presents just for me!

Santa must be a very busy man because after we went to church, we went to Grandma and Grandpa Engstrom's house and he had left presents there for me too! Later that day I got to play with my second cousin, Carson, and see my Godmother who brought me a doll all the way from Chile!

Thank you Santa and everyone else! This was the best first Christmas ever!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

On the First Day of Christmas...

We had our first family Christmas last night with the Humenansky's. Addie enjoyed watching all of her cousins and second cousins play and LOVED opening presents.

She also enjoyed her first sweet treats - a spritz cookie and a krumkake. She really liked the sweets, but thankfully was more concerned with finishing her peppers. We've taught her well!

Friday, December 12, 2008


I was tagged by my friend, Mandy, to post my 6th picture in my 6th folder on my iPhoto.
So here it is... This picture was taken in March 2006, when Brian and I went to visit our friends, Ben and Kelly, in Tokyo. This is from our first day there, when we got up ridiculously early to visit the Tsuguki Fish Market. The market was huge and crazy - a theme that seemed to fit most of the trip. I remember we followed that excursion with a trip to the top of a giant building where there were tons of windows that overlooked the city. What a day! The trip was amazing, and something that neither of us will ever forget. Thanks Kelly and Ben!

I will try to keep this thing going by tagging Sven. I think he has a few more readers than I do, so hopefully this will appeal to quality not quantity! Here's the rules:
1. Go to your sixth picture folder and find the sixth picture.
2. Pray you remember the details!
3. Post it on your blog.
4. Tag four others and leave a comment on their blog to let them know they've been tagged.

Monday, December 8, 2008

9 Month Stats

Weight: 18 lbs 8 oz (50%)
Length: 26.75" (25%)
Head: 17.75" (75%)
Number of Teeth: 2
Likes: Eating, petting Gracie (and all cats and dogs), crawling, giving kisses, riding in her stroller, playing with other kids, boowa and kwala, books, and blocks.
Dislikes: Getting her nose wiped, the cold, wearing mittens, when Gracie runs away.
Favorite Foods: Cheerios, avacado, cheese, spaghetti, squash, and apple juice.
Newest Nickname: Colonel Cadabbie

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas Traditions

This weekend we participated in two christmas tradtions: we got a christmas tree and went to see Santa. Addie enjoyed looking at all the trees despite the cold weather, and helped us to find the perfect one.

Today we went to see Santa Claus. Addie was all smiles leading up to it, but was a little unsure and curious once she sat down on his lap. She didn't cry, pull on his beard, or smile. All in all, I guess it was a successful visit.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Uh Oh!

This is something we hear a lot lately. Addie has mastered the sound, but now we just need to work on meaning. She will say uh oh in any context and will repeat it tens of times after she gets going. She loves hearing others repeat it back, and we think it's adorable! I will let Addie tell you about a few of her other favorite things right now:

Banging together my cups and riding in my new carseat!

Looking at my Baby Animals book and feeling the different textures

Playing UNDER my exercauser

Putting toys in my basket and dumping them out again