
Friday, November 27, 2009

Gobble Gobble!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Addie has been asking about her cousin Riley a lot lately. She hasn’t seen him in a while, so we decided a play date was in order. So this morning we went to the Children’s Museum during their Target Free Sunday. Surprisingly, it’s not too busy during these mornings and it really is free! Addie and Riley had a lot of fun together - they liked crawling through the ant tunnels, going on slides, climbing ladders and steps, playing music and playing in the leaves. It’s so fun for her to have a cousin so close in age. Thanks for the fun Riley!

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Today we went for a walk in our neighborhood and we passed a house that has a wooden eagle in its front yard. When we walked by, Addie pointed and shouted, “Eagle!” I wouldn’t think too much of this, except that we don’t walk by this house very often, and I had no idea she even knew the word eagle. Addie’s vocabulary has just exploded in the past week. She is using so many new words and putting them together into phrases and sentences. It’s so fun to hear these new words and see her excitement in being able to express herself more clearly.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!

We had so much fun with Halloween this year. Addie was much more involved in the preparation process, and got to go trick-or-treating!

About a week before Halloween we carved our pumpkins. Addie was very helpful in pulling out the seeds and in separating the guts from the seeds. She was very proud of her pumpkin... to the point where I was worried they would have to sleep in her room in order for her to go to bed that night. Luckily, we didn't need to go that far.

We spent another evening watching The Great Pumpkin. It was so cute, because Addie stood watching the TV with her blanket draped over one shoulder just like Linus! Her favorite character was definitely Snoopy and she liked watching him march and dance best.

On Halloween, we went trick-or-treating in our neighborhood and got to see all of our neighborhood friends in their costumes. After walking the "U", we went home and played with our friend, Hazel. We also handed out candy to about 60 trick-or-treaters! Addie was also a great helper and ran to the door the second she heard someone step on the porch. It was such a fun night, and we are already excited for how fun next year will be!