
Sunday, November 15, 2009


Addie has been asking about her cousin Riley a lot lately. She hasn’t seen him in a while, so we decided a play date was in order. So this morning we went to the Children’s Museum during their Target Free Sunday. Surprisingly, it’s not too busy during these mornings and it really is free! Addie and Riley had a lot of fun together - they liked crawling through the ant tunnels, going on slides, climbing ladders and steps, playing music and playing in the leaves. It’s so fun for her to have a cousin so close in age. Thanks for the fun Riley!

1 comment:

Clark Family said...

Angie, Thanks so much for sharing about the Target Free Sunday. We had fun at the Children's Museum before, and want to go back now that Olivia is a bit older. Now that school has started I have a hard time getting the meuseum passes for there, so this will be a great option! Thanks!