
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend 2011 - Addendum

Here is the group photo always taken at the Memorial Day BBQ. Yes, those are tequila shots... also part of the tradition!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend 2011

Like every other year, we headed up to the cabin for Memorial Day weekend. We were a little nervous with it being our first time there with two kids, but all in all things went well. We ate well thanks to Mike’s salmon fishing trip and were able to do a good amount of relaxing and reading. It was pretty chilly, so we spent our time during the days playing either in the cabin or with the toys outside. But before we left, Addie was able to take her first boat ride of the summer and of course drive the boat for a bit ☺

Max had a few firsts over the weekend with his first trip outside of Minnesota, he got to watch his first Indie 500, and attend his first Memorial Day BBQ! The Memorial Day BBQ is something our neighbors have been doing for 21 years and an event we have grown to look forward to each year. Both of our yards are filled with friends and neighbors, kids and parents. There is great food and of course, BBQ!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Addie is now completely potty trained! We had been waiting for her to take the lead on stopping the night time diaper, and she initiated this shortly after her third birthday. She earned stickers and prizes for each of the nights she stayed dry and then got a grand prize once we were completely out of night time diapers. And the prize was… princess shoes and a Cinderella dress! So now most days you can find her hanging out around the house in this get up. But don’t make the mistake of calling her “Addie-rella”, because she is Cinderella!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

2 Month Max Stats

Weight: 10 lbs, 12 oz (25%)
Length: 22.5" (47%)
Head: 15.5" (26%)
Likes: Eating, going for walks, being outside, cuddling in the sling, watching Addie's ballerina and princess shows, playing on his "lion blankie", yoga, Dayton signing the Surly bill
Dislikes: Sleeping for more than 4 hours in a row, getting in or out of the car seat, getting dressed or undressed, taking a bath, basically being "messed with", the same-sex marriage amendment passing, T-Paw for President!?

Max has now gained 4 lbs and 4 oz since he was born... he is getting so big! He is such a sweet and easy going little guy. He rarely cries, and when he does, it's more like he is just trying to communicate rather than test his vocal chords. He has started to smile, giggle and coo and his smile can light up your day. We just love our little guy!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Rainy Weekend

I was so excited that Brian had a 3 day weekend after 6 consecutive days of work (3 of which it was just me and the kids!). We had such fun plans of going to Lake Calhoun, Como Zoo, Art-A-Whirl, and Johnstock... and then it rained. It rained ALL weekend! We decided to go to Eagle's Nest on Friday which turned out to be a lot of fun. Addie spent the whole time in the "big kids" area which was new for her. Saturday we braved the rain and went to our neighborhood festival called Johnstock. Addie watched a magic show, ate pizza and played with her friend Hazie in the jumper. Sick of the rain we spent most of Sunday inside. We painted, played games, and build forts. Despite all the rain (and tornadoes!) we were able to end the weekend with a family walk in our new burley! Addie has been so patient waiting to bring Max to the Gnome's house to give him fruit snacks. I think the trip was all she dreamed it would be! :)

Addie's House

Thanks to all of Addie's grandparents she got this beautiful playhouse for her birthday! We finally got it put together and her flowers planted, and she loves it! She talks about how excited she is to have her friends over and play in her playhouse with her... everyone should be watching out for an invitation soon!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


And we just found out that there will be one more added to this group in November! Congratulations to Ben and Natasha!

Funny Quotes

Addie has been saying the funniest things lately. Here are just a few of my favorites from this week!

Me: I love you
Addie: Ditto

As we were counting while playing hide-and-go-seek...
Addie: one, two, three, ..., twenty-eight, twenty-nine, twenty-ten!
(I purposely have not corrected her on this one because I think it's so funny!)

Addie now refers to all birds as "honeybirds". This is another one I have not corrected her on :)