
Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend 2011

Like every other year, we headed up to the cabin for Memorial Day weekend. We were a little nervous with it being our first time there with two kids, but all in all things went well. We ate well thanks to Mike’s salmon fishing trip and were able to do a good amount of relaxing and reading. It was pretty chilly, so we spent our time during the days playing either in the cabin or with the toys outside. But before we left, Addie was able to take her first boat ride of the summer and of course drive the boat for a bit ☺

Max had a few firsts over the weekend with his first trip outside of Minnesota, he got to watch his first Indie 500, and attend his first Memorial Day BBQ! The Memorial Day BBQ is something our neighbors have been doing for 21 years and an event we have grown to look forward to each year. Both of our yards are filled with friends and neighbors, kids and parents. There is great food and of course, BBQ!

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