
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Happy Merry Christmas!

Christmas preparations this year were more fun than ever! Addie loved talking about Santa and all his reindeer, baking cookies, and helping decorate, shop, and wrap. She also would wish everyone a "Happy Merry Christmas!" almost everyday! Here are some pictures of some of our holiday events from 2010...

We went twice to see "A Day in the Life of an Elf" - once before Christmas, and then after with all our friends. I have gone to see this 8th floor display every year of my life, and love to be able to share this tradition with Addie!

We spent Christmas Eve with the Corbett's and Christmas day with the Rodgers' at "Uncle David's"

Addie was so excited that Santa came and brought her the new sled she asked for!

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Today we took Addie skating for the first time. She was so excited and we all had a lot of fun! She did a great job and even insisted on trying it on her own. She was able to stand on her own pretty solidly, and take about 5 steps before falling... we're thinking she must be a natural!

Getting her skates laced up

Excited to get started!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Santa 2010

Visiting Santa was drastically different from last year. For those of you who don't remember, we made two different trips last year - both ending in tears and no picture.

This year, the second it was our turn, Addie made a mad dash for Santa, she first ran to pet the reindeer then hopped right up on his lap and chatted away with him for as long as we would let her. She was sure to tell him how good she has been, everything that she wants for Christmas, along with all the shoveling we have been doing at home this weekend! All of these Christmas traditions have been becoming more and more fun each year, and we are looking forward to adding to the fun with Corbettkid2 next year!

Snow Day!

This weekend we received over 17" of snow! Luckily, we were able to plan ahead and get our errands done before it all started so we were able to enjoy the show from inside. We spent our snow day watching movies, baking cookies, playing games, and taking a couple of naps :)

We had a fun day as a family, and found that we are very grateful for our AWD vehicles, and helpful neighbors. I hope everyone else enjoyed the snow day as much as we did!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Tree Time!

We went to the Rum River Tree Farm this weekend to get our Christmas tree. This is the second year we have cut down our own tree and it's a tradition we hope to continue each year. We were able to find a great tree, see Santa, and also visit with many different animals at their petting zoo.

We decorated the tree a couple days later and Addie was so excited about it! I could hardly keep up with her... she would hang an ornament before I could even unwrap the next one! The best part was once we were done we looked over the tree and noticed that ALL the ornaments Addie put on the tree were on the bottom row of branches. It was so funny and she looked so proud, so of course we couldn't help but take a picture!

Good News!

Addie has finally conquered her fear of the stairs! We used her sticker chart as an incentive and walked down a few steps each day. The funny thing was that she wanted a "nigh-night dress" for her prize. Here she is in all her pride!