
Monday, April 30, 2012

Addie's First Dance Recital!

Addie has been anxiously awaiting her “Big Show” since the day we signed her up for dance class.  She had a big cheering section and I escorted her back stage with the biggest smile across her face.  We were nervous that she would freeze up when she realized that dancing on a real stage with the lights down and spot lights is a lot different than in the school cafeteria.  But boy, were we wrong!  She lit up the second the curtain opened and danced every step the best she could.  Some of our highlights from the evening were: Addie doing the potty dance during the whole finale, one of the boys in her class crying the entire time he was on the stage, Addie falling after jumping too high during her dance, and how sweet they all looked doing their ballet dance to, “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”.  Good job Addie, we are so proud of you!

(I have to apologize about the low quality of the video.  We were switching between cameras, and apparently decided on the wrong one!)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

 We enjoyed a wonderful Easter full of Easter egg hunts, egg dying, family and friends.  For the second year in a row our block planned a neighborhood egg hunt.  It was so fun seeing all the kids running around together and having fun.

 On Easter Sunday we enjoyed a relaxing morning at home and then it was off to St. Joan’s for my favorite service of the year.  It begins with the children, dressed up in costumes from the Heart of the Beast, processing in and includes Farmer Rick in the homily with his baby animals.  The kids LOVE it.  They get to see baby chicks, bunnies, kittens, and goats.  New life is truly surrounding us!  The rest of the day was spent relaxing and visiting with family.  
   Happy Easter!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Max's First Haircut!

 Max got his first haircut today!  His hair has seemed a bit long for a while now, with it curling under in back and looking like side-burns along the side.  So we finally decided to accept the fact that even though he is our little baby, he is definitely big enough for his first haircut!  Thinking back to Addie’s first haircut, we weren’t expecting too much out of Max.  Brian even said, “I might as well just have him sit down in my lap right away.”  But Max did great!  We should have known that his laid back attitude would have helped him through.  He got a little teary-eyed once she got started, but then just focused on the guys on the TV and the dinosaur in his lap.  And now he looks like such a big boy!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

1 Year Max Stats!

Phew!  We made it all 12 months!  As you can see, these pictures were becoming very difficult!
Weight: 18 lbs 13 oz (8%)
Length: 30.25" (65%)
Head: 18.125" (35%)
Number of Teeth: 2
Likes: Bubbles, eating (you would think he would weigh more with how much he eats!), watching music videos, standing, playing with Addie, playing at the park and going on the swings and in the tunnels.
Dislikes: Being told no, being removed from the kitchen, being messed with (i.e. getting dressed, diaper changes, wiping his face or nose, you get the idea).
We knew he was a little peanut, but the 8th percentile, really!?  But we'll take it.  We're just loving up our little guy and I appreciate the "baby" he still has left in him... he's growing up so fast!

Addie's 4 Year Stats

Weight: 36 lb 2 oz (50%)
Height: 39” (25%)

Addie had her 4 year check today and we were told she is perfectly healthy! She had a lot of fun having her eyes and ears checked and was a great helper when it was Max's turn.  She was even very brave with her shots, only crying a little bit after the second one.

Addie's Likes: Princesses, reading, puzzles, playing pretend, riding her new bike, skating, games, dance class, and of course being an amazing big sister to Max!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Family Bike Ride!

We got a Burley about a year ago knowing we wanted a double stroller but also thinking we wouldn’t use it for that long.  So for the past year our bike trailer has only been used as a stroller.  We have been anxiously awaiting Max’s first birthday so we could take the kids for their first bike ride, so one week after the big day that’s exactly what we did!  The kids had fun “going fast” and being able to ride to a local hot spot – Water Tower Park.  Maybe it was having to leave the park, or maybe it was just getting too close to dinnertime, but Max did not enjoy the ride home nearly as much.  He spent the entire ride pulling on his helmet as hard as he could to get it off.  It got to the point where all we could do is laugh at the poor little guy’s attempts.  Hopefully we can gradually get him used to the helmet, as Addie loved the ride, and we did too!