
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Family Bike Ride!

We got a Burley about a year ago knowing we wanted a double stroller but also thinking we wouldn’t use it for that long.  So for the past year our bike trailer has only been used as a stroller.  We have been anxiously awaiting Max’s first birthday so we could take the kids for their first bike ride, so one week after the big day that’s exactly what we did!  The kids had fun “going fast” and being able to ride to a local hot spot – Water Tower Park.  Maybe it was having to leave the park, or maybe it was just getting too close to dinnertime, but Max did not enjoy the ride home nearly as much.  He spent the entire ride pulling on his helmet as hard as he could to get it off.  It got to the point where all we could do is laugh at the poor little guy’s attempts.  Hopefully we can gradually get him used to the helmet, as Addie loved the ride, and we did too!

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