
Thursday, April 5, 2012

1 Year Max Stats!

Phew!  We made it all 12 months!  As you can see, these pictures were becoming very difficult!
Weight: 18 lbs 13 oz (8%)
Length: 30.25" (65%)
Head: 18.125" (35%)
Number of Teeth: 2
Likes: Bubbles, eating (you would think he would weigh more with how much he eats!), watching music videos, standing, playing with Addie, playing at the park and going on the swings and in the tunnels.
Dislikes: Being told no, being removed from the kitchen, being messed with (i.e. getting dressed, diaper changes, wiping his face or nose, you get the idea).
We knew he was a little peanut, but the 8th percentile, really!?  But we'll take it.  We're just loving up our little guy and I appreciate the "baby" he still has left in him... he's growing up so fast!

1 comment:

Clark Family said...

Ha ha! I had to laugh at the likes and dislikes... Almost identical to Henry! :)