
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Our family was very blessed this Christmas – with gifts and lots of time with those we love. 

Christmas Eve
Cousins! (Mikko, Max, Addie, and Riley)
Cookies for Santa
The Scene
Santa Came!
The Corbett Family
Happy Holidays!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Christmas Traditions

We stayed busy this December with many of our family’s Christmas traditions.  We started a week after Thanksgiving by heading out to Bernin’s Tree Farm to cut down our Christmas tree.  We love Bernin’s because it’s simply a tree farm – no extra visits with Santa, no petting zoos, no hayrides; just a beautiful afternoon in the woods looking for the perfect tree.  

The following weekend we went to see the big guy, Santa.  Addie was so excited and knew exactly what she and Max were going to ask for.  Max fed off of Addie’s excitement until he got to the front of the line.  At that point he wanted to be held, and when we started walking up to Santa he broke down.  It was so funny watching it all from the sidelines – Addie was just chatting it up with Santa, all while Max is standing 5 feet away just screaming!  So long story short, this is the only picture we got of the two of them with Santa, and it’s just Addie and Santa in the professional shot.

Addie had two holiday performances this year.  The first was her holiday dance recital.  It was super cute!  They did a tap dance, ballet, and jazz.  Here is a short video of her dances:

Addie’s other performance was a Christmas concert at Nativity.  There were readings of the Christmas story, piano performances, and each class sang 3 songs.  It was really well done and made us even more grateful for being able to send Addie there this year.  Here is the video I got of Addie’s class.  (Sorry for the poor quality… it was quite crowded up front and this is the best view I could get!)

The last traditional activity we got in was our annual trip downtown to Macy's (Dayton’s) 8th floor display.  This is something I have done every year of my life, and even though the theme hasn’t changed in 5 years, I still love bringing my kids downtown to see it!

Monday, December 17, 2012

A Few of My Favorite Things

This post is dedicated to my friend, Laura. :) 
She is the researcher type, and now that she is pregnant she is in full interview and research gear.  So in thinking of her, I decided to make a list of my favorite baby things.  Some are things we did together and others are just things.  Here we go!
Prenatal Yoga – With Addie I did this at the Yoga Center ofMinneapolis, and with Max I simply continued the Vinyasa class I was currently taking.  These classes helped me to decompress, focus my breathing, connect with my babies, and build a community of other expecting mamas.
Baby Yoga – I also did this at the Yoga Center of Minneapolis with Addie, but they discontinued offering those classes but soled the rights to them to Blooma (where I did BYOB with Max).  Baby Yoga is what I would rank as the #1 item on this list.  It got me moving again right at 6 weeks, helped me to connect with other new moms, and most importantly, my babies.  I also learned things like baby massage, and different stretches and poses that helped with Addie’s colic.  That alone made this priceless!
Breast feeding – So many good reasons for this and rewards from it, I can’t even begin to list them all.
Baby food – I purchased one jar of baby food total in my life.  With the help of our magic bullet and Le Petit Appetit I made all of Max and Addie’s food.  They are now two healthy children who are great eaters and I have to believe that feeding them fresh real food contributed to this.
Fresh Baby storage trays - Great for food and breast milk!
Hotsling/Moby Wrap/Bjorn – Baby wearing items
Sleep Sacks/Gowns – Great newborn sleepwear
Dwell Studio receiving blankets – larger than normal receiving blankets, which made swaddling much easier
Booster Seat with Tray – Saved tons of space over a highchair and it was easily portable to the cabin
Crib Aquarium – Gave the kids something to do when they woke up in the morning (they both still stay in bed until at least 7!)
The Baby Whisperer Solves All Your Problems – This book helped us so much in sleep training our kids and getting them on a routine

I realize that this is not a complete list, and does not include all must-have items, but these were just a few things that may get left off of a standard list that made a big positive difference in our lives!

Before I finish, in committing to be honest, I do have to add my most hated item – our Baby Trend jog stroller.  If I had to do it all over again I would have purchased a slightly used BOB on craigslist.  Speaking of strollers, the last favorite item I will add to this list is our Burley.  Now having two kids it is great to use as a double stroller and has opened a whole new biking world to us.

And there you have it… A Few of My Favorite Things!