
Monday, December 8, 2008

9 Month Stats

Weight: 18 lbs 8 oz (50%)
Length: 26.75" (25%)
Head: 17.75" (75%)
Number of Teeth: 2
Likes: Eating, petting Gracie (and all cats and dogs), crawling, giving kisses, riding in her stroller, playing with other kids, boowa and kwala, books, and blocks.
Dislikes: Getting her nose wiped, the cold, wearing mittens, when Gracie runs away.
Favorite Foods: Cheerios, avacado, cheese, spaghetti, squash, and apple juice.
Newest Nickname: Colonel Cadabbie


Mandy said...

She's really not only 8lbs, right?

Angie said...

Yikes! Thanks for the critical eye! I will fix that asap. :)