
Saturday, September 24, 2011

6 Month Max Stats

Weight: 15 lbs, 4 oz (15%)
Length: 27" (60%)
Head: 17.125" (30%)
Likes: Eating, watching Addie, peek-a-boo, food, playing in the exersaucer, scooting around the living room, putting anything he can reach into his mouth.
Dislikes: Being fed too slowly, people eating in front of him, naps with Dada, sitting still.

Max's stats again show him as a skinny little guy!  I was surprised by this because he eats so much!  We started him on solids around 5 months and he has taken to them so quickly that we have had a hard time keeping up with him!  He has tried oatmeal, rice cereal, apples, pears, bananas, avacado, peas, sweet potatoes, squash, carrots, green beans, crackers, and puff cereal... whew!  He is still struggling with sitting up independently, but is getting close to crawling!  He will get up on his hands and knees and rock back and forth for a while and then lunge himself forward, and he actually makes a lot of ground this way!  He has also recently started skipping his 2 am feeding which is making me very happy and much more rested :)  As always though, Max is still such a happy and easy going little guy who brings us more and more joy each day!

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