
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Apple Picking

For the second year in a row, we were invited to Brian's coworker's house to pick apples. She lives in Medina and through the years has grown an apple orchard on the back of her property with about 150 trees! We had so much fun there last year so were very excited to be invited back again. We picked three different kinds of apples and taste tested many more... even Max got in on the tasting! Although once he got his first apple, there was no way he was going to give that up! After we picked our apples we got to make apple juice! Addie was very excited about this and could hardly wait for it to be her turn to throw in the apples and turn the wheel. The juice is delicious - better than any other kind of apple juice I have tried. This is something we all look forward to in the fall and hope that we will be able to be invited back to keep this tradition!


Dr. Sheryl Wagner said...

Does your friend sell to uptick families? We have been looking to go apple picking to do some canning. Looking to pay less than $1 per pound because we want to buy alot.
If this is possible, call me at 503-319-2989

Dr. Sheryl Wagner said...

I meant u-pick! Mac spell correct

Angie said...

Sorry it took me so long to respond! But since this orchard is at her home she keeps it to just family and friends. Hope you were able to find some yummy apples!